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私の子供は中学校と高校の英語の助けが必要です。 EVEは役に立ちますか?
はい、できます。 私たちの生徒は一般的に中学校と高校の学校のテストで非常にうまくやっています。 これらの試験で出題される質問の種類を把握しており、スコアを向上させるためのガイダンスを提供できます。 あなたのお子さんもお手伝いしましょう。
My child needs help with Junior High and High School English. Can EVE help?Yes, we can. Our students generally do extremely well in school tests in Junior High and High School. We know what the tests are looking for and can offer guidance that improves scores.
Let us help your child, too.
もちろんです。絶対。 ほぼ全員がエイケンを受講し、素晴らしい成績を収めています。 それは当然のことです。 EVEは「本物の」英語を教えており、EIKENテストは有用な動機として機能します。 これで、EVE英会話を使用すると、お子様は最高レベルのEiken試験に合格する絶好のチャンスがあります。 私たちはあなたの子供が今日彼らの最高を達成するのを手伝いましょう。
Can EVE help with 英検?Absolutely. Almost all of our students take the Eiken Tests and have outstanding results. It's only natural. EVE teaches 'real' English and the EIKEN tests are serve as a useful motivator. Now, with EVE英会話 your child will have a great chance to pass at the highest levels.
Won't my child mix up Japanese and English?
Millions of bi-lingual children will tell you, 'No. That is not a problem."
Is it too hard?
Why should it be? Learning a language is the most natural thing for humans. Everyone, everywhere speaks a language. Now, with EVE英会話 is the time to learn to speak English.
Fees for JHS &
High School Courses
最高の時間での語学学習。 それは繰り返しのない機会です。 子供たちは後でそれをあなたに感謝します。
Language learning at the very best time. It's an unrepeatable opportunity. Your children will thank you for it later.
Monthly fees - no long term contract
毎月の大きな 教材費はありません
No large monthly recurring material costs
Attractive discount for family members
毎月の維持費 ¥1,300
Monthly maintenance fee ¥1,300
Entrance Charge ¥10,800
(Waived during Campaign Period)
''My daughters have grown so well here. I was worried at first but the teacher quickly made them feel at home. They want to attend more often now!
Suzuki K.
''My son is usually shy but he is really enjoying herself. He even said 'Thank you' at home to me the other day.
Sakurai R
''There are many English schools to choose from but I am very glad we came here. The teachers really take an interest in my child and he has learnt a lot.''
Kubota M.
© EVE英会話スクール 2022
THE School For You And Yours