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EVE 幼稚園児・保育園の英会話

EVEのインストラクターは、あらゆる種類と規模の場所で教えています。 小さな私立のデイケアスクールから大きな幼稚園まで。 献身的で熱心で経験豊富な教師がいる私たちが教える幼稚園児は、いつも私たちに会えて喜んでいます。 あなたの未就学児が同じ機会を持っていた時ではありませんか? 幼稚園、保育園、デイケアセンターに最適な指導方法を紹介したい場合は、今日お電話ください。

Our team teaches at all types and size of locations; from small private day-care schools to large kindergartens. With dedicated, enthusiastic and experienced teachers, the kindergarteners we teach are always coming back for more. Isn't it time your pre-schoolers had the same opportunities?if you think you would like to find out how to introduce the very best instruction to your kindergarten, nursery school or day-care center, call us today for more information.

Kindergartens & Nursery Schools

幼稚園 ・保育園

The Best Time To Learn



EVE英会話では、これが誰にとっても英語、または第2または第3言語を学ぶのに最適な時期であることを私たちは知っています。 特にネイティブスピーカーから学ぶことができれば。
At EVE英会話 we know that this is the absolute best time for anyone to learn English - or any second or third language. Especially if you can have access to native speakers.

Youngsters brains are in a peak learning mode for languages - it's known as neural plasticity - and they are ideally receptive, in an organic way, to new words, speech rhythms and sentence formation.

イーブ英会話では、これを理解し、これらの幼い子供たちに指数関数的な方法で英語のスキルを伸ばす機会を提供しています。 そして、私たちは彼らが日本語を学ぶまさにその技術を使います。 言い換えれば、英語に没頭することは、これらの若者にとって理想的な方法です。
At イーブ英会話 we understand this and offer these young children the opportunity to grow their English language skills in an exponential way. And we use the very techniques that they learn Japanese. Yes, immersion in English is the ideal way for these young people. 


 若い学生への共感は不可欠です。 これに加えて、彼らの成功への熱意と、非常に若い人々が自分たちの世界をどのように考え、見ているのかを理解することと相まって。 彼らの一般的により身体志向の学習の好みのために、私たちは彼らが成長し、毎週勉強を続けたいと思うように彼らの興味を維持するためにゲーム、歌、おもちゃ、芸術と工芸の活動を含みます。

How do we achieve our very successful results? 

Empathy for young students is essential. This plus enthusiasm for their success coupled with an understanding of how very young people think and view their world. With their generally more physically oriented learning styles, we include games, songs, toys and art and craft activities to retain their interest so that they develop and want to return week after week.

すべての子供はユニークであるため、グループでの学習方法が最適な場合もあれば、マンツーマンのレッスンが好まれる場合もあります。 幼稚園、保育園、デイケアセンターで利用できる選択肢について話し合うのを楽しみにしています。

Every child is unique
and so for some a group style may be best while for others a man-to-man lesson may be preferred. 

We look forward to discussing the choices available to you.

今こそ行動する時です。 無料トライアルレッスンを手配し、あなたの若者にとって理想的な学習コースを見つけるために、私たちに会いに来てください。

Don't waste another day.
Come and see us so that we can arrange a Free Trial Lesson 無慮体験レッスン and find the ideal course of study for your youngster

Isn't it time to upgrade your English Lessons?

If you answered 'Yes' then look no further than EVE英会話 – a long time language provider who can help to make your students shine.

With our fresh approach to learning, your students will be thanking your for your choice of language service provider long after they graduate.

A Leader: We provide the best solutions in the industry.

We're known as one of the best teaching services in the English Language Conversation field. Our lessons are based on a proper understanding of young children's learning styles which means they never get bored and we get results. If you are ready to transform you language classes, get in touch with us right now.

The 'Process' is very simple and highly effective.


The first step is to meet up and discuss the overall requirements such as your goals, number of lesson hours and frequency.

Custom quote

The second step is where we provide a custom quote tailored just for you based on a consultation.



The third step is when our team confirms the materials that will be needed and then the fun begins.  

Make Us YOUR
'Go-To' School
Call us now on 048-874-6729

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Main School 

Midori Ward, Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture

Higashiurawa 4-7-15